Post 5: My favourite career related website
Link of the page: The website that I have definately used the most since I entered my career is called ´Atlas de histologia vegetal y animal´, which in english is ´Atlas of plant and animal biology´. It was originally developed in Spain at the biology faculty of the University of Vigo. This is a very usefull website if you are starting to study biology because it explains in a very simple way how the cell works and the different parts of it. This internet page is divided into different sections that go from how the cell reproduces to how the plasmatic membrane works. It also has a section of pictures of the structures in different types of cells. This semester I haven´t used it as much, but in the first semester I always used it for my celullar biology course, but in recent days I still use it from time to time for some labs. I really like this website because it was very helpfull when I had to identify structures in cellular biology labs or if...